Special Collaboration for 3rd Anniversary of littlememoria

 It’s the 3rd year of littlememoria. 

This little baby has grown up well. I thanks to God because He brings me to enjoy every little process with littlememoria. I may not updated all the things here but you guys can follow our journey through Instagram of @yourlittlememoria. So to celebrate littlmemoria’s anniversary, we invited our customers (little friends) to contribute the next season of our products by sending their illustration (digital/manual) to littlememoria. We chose 3 winners which their illustration was implemented as our illustration based products. For knowing who the winners, you can click this link (https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpcc_dzSw8h/?igsh=OTR2MmFqdXI0NmZq)

It was Bloom Baby! Bloom special edition. The products were tumbler and mini pouch. The flowers in the products were from the 3 winners (with adjustments due to the production’s process).  All the winners got that Bloom Baby! Bloom products and littlememoria promised to the winners that we will not reproduce the series of Bloom Baby! Bloom products with that’s illustration. Now, there are some last stock products on us and tell me if you want to get it!

So happy 3rd anniversary!


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